Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Email vs Postal Service

When thinking about email and how it compares to the postal service at first glance, you would not think that they share any common features. However, email has pretty much the same exact features that the postal service consist of. For instance:

Email Postal Service
- Inbox - Mailbox
- Spam - Junk Mail
- Prioritizing email - Express mail

These are just a few examples of the common similarities that they share. But the biggest difference between these two are the cost, speed and, the less obvious difference, is bulk mailing. After analyzing our mailing system and the reasons why we chose one over the other, I realized that they are about 99% the same! Its amazing how technology has altered our lives to help make it become more convenient through little things like email. Think about it how many times a day you send out an email and how much money you save from not buying stamps, you probable save a couple fill ups to the gas station at the rate everything is going up!!! :)

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